Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Hilary School

Welcome to St Hilary School

 A Warm Welcome To Our School Website!

St Hilary School is a vibrant, warm, kind and caring school where all children and adults work very hard to be, 


We are extremely proud of our school and it's achievements and to be a founder member of the 'Leading Edge Academies Partnership'https://www.leadingedgeacademies.org

Everybody at our school is passionate about providing the very best educational experiences that we possibly can and having lots and lots of fun along the way, learning through our 'REAL project' approach to delivering our knowledge and skills based curriculum.

We are committed to developing the 'whole child' through the 3 core values (our 3Es) of all the Leading Edge Partnership academies - they are at the heart of all we do!

Excellence - 'Outstanding quality'

Evolution - 'Continuous change'

Equity - 'Fairness and social justice'


Our aim is that by the time children leave our school they will have developed a whole host of life skills - being resilient, being confident, taking informed risks and most of all...being happy - enthusiastic and ready to embrace every opportunity and challenge they face.

We are incredibly proud of the children at our school ... and the staff are pretty special too! 

A paper copy of everything included on our website can be provided and we are always happy to talk, meet and share everything we do. As a starting point why not not explore the school through our virtual tour! 

We hope that you enjoy browsing our website and find everything that you need! 

Mr Rob Hamshar- Headteacher